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Writer's picture: Rhonda Sermon - YA AuthorRhonda Sermon - YA Author

Welcome to Things That Make Readers Go Hmm...

As an authors whenever we have books on sale or for free we always send that information to our reader newsletters. However we also market the book on book sale sites and newsletters. Here are the newsletters that I choose to best reach Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction readers. If I'm getting quality readers then it follows they'll have quality books for you!

Most of the newsletters that I use as an authors are highly curated. The owners reveiw submissions and only take those which are excellent quality and are a great fit their subscribers. They also limit the frequency authors can advertise the same book. Plus they ask you to choose the genres you would like to receive book deals for. No one wants a page of thrillers if they love contemporary romance! All in all this means a better experience for the readers. That's you!

There are certainly book promotion newsletters out there that will put anyone who pays the fee in them and will blatantly keep resubscribing you no matter how many times you unsubscribe. Believe me when I say I feel you pain and am right there beside you.

Here are the Promotion Newsletters I like to use when advertising a sale on a book or a free run. You might like to consider subscribing to one or more of them to discover new authors and discounts.

There are literally HUNDREDS maybe even thousands of book promotion sites out there. You might have an amazing one that I've not listed! These are the ones as an author I use.

In discussing book promotion sites it would be remiss of me not to mention book piracy.

I IMPLORE all readers not to use pirate sites to download books illegally for free. Do I think pirating books is wrong? Absolutely! 100%. But everyone is entitled to their opinion and to make choices that they are comfortable with. All choices have consequences though. Pirate sites are destroying some author's careers and also ultimately the choice that readers will have. Series don't get continued. Author leave their writing career because they can't make a living. Many can't even break even!

I would ask that every reader take a minute to think about the many many grueling hours and also the money that authors have put into bringing their books to publication before they righteously one click and download any book illegally.

Enjoyed this article? You can sign up to my Author Newsletter HERE and receive them weekly with all my author news and links to these blog posts with my weekly reader tips.

Until Next Time Much Love and Read Strong!

Rhonda Sermon is a USA Today and International Bestselling Author. A booklover, mother to two teens, proud Gryffindor, and wannabe gardener, she is followed by over 40,000 fellow booklovers across social media.

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